Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'm With Elvis

I thought at least one of the chapters in a book I would ever have the nerve to write would be titled, "I'm With Elvis", because that's sometimes how I feel having a child with a disability. It's almost a split-personality thing because I take in the world through my eyes and then I try to take in the world through his eyes. And then when I really have a good reserve of emotional energy, I try to take in Hayden the way the outside world views him.

Usually he's met with a smile, his cuteness working in his favor almost always. And usually I'm so busy trying to keep up with him, or sometimes trying to keep him from doing something, that I don't have time to wonder what people are thinking or if they're judging him, or worse even, pitying him.


Hayden has the most amazing air about him. He is completely comfortable in his own skin and is sure beyond sure that he is welcome wherever he goes. He has a quick smile and usually applauds for himself whenever he walks into a room.

I try to let him experience life on his own, without me hovering. Sometimes easier said than done, as he seems to move quicker when danger is near.


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